Quick Start

Practical Quick-Start Guide to create a simple 3 node cluster on OpenStack with LBaaS

Please substitute all %VARIABLES with according values.

There are a few catches, such as image names, flavor names, network details. So double check them before trying this demo out.

Also, the certificate generated for the Kubernetes API is not signed for the Public IP it will get, so this is expected to throw an error for you if you use the default kubeconfig. A workaround is to add the IP in your /etc/hosts as kubernetes and adjust your kubeconfig. We’re working on a better solution.

Terraform example

variable "k8s" {
  default = {
    version = "1.14.3"
    image   = ""
    pubkeys = ["%YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"]
    cni = {
      type    = "canal"
      version = "latest"
      extra   = false
    storages = []
    etcd = {
      type      = "pod"
      discovery = "static"
      image     = ""
      nodes     = []
    nodes = [
        type    = "m1.small"
        image   = "%COREOS"
        labels  = ["master"]
        version = ""
        type    = "m1.small"
        image   = "%COREOS"
        labels  = ["compute"]
        version = ""
        type    = "m1.small"
        image   = "%COREOS"
        labels  = ["ingress"]
        version = ""
    pki = {
      type = "local"
    network = {
      cidr     = ""
      base     = "50"
      dhcp     = true
      dns      = [""]
      upstream = "%EXTERNAL_NETWORK"
      fip      = true
      pool     = "%FLOATING_POOL"
    loadbalancer = {
      enable = true
      type   = "lbaas"
    ingress = {
      enable = true
      type   = "nginx-terranetes"
      specs  = {}

module "k8s" {
  source = "./core/kubernetes"
  k8s    = "${var.k8s}"

module "openstack" {
  source   = "./providers/openstack"
  k8s      = "${module.k8s.k8s}"
  ignition = "${module.k8s.ignition}"
  admin    = "${module.k8s.admin}"

output "k8s" {
  value = "${module.openstack.k8s}"

output "admin" {
  value = "${jsonencode(module.openstack.admin)}"